1964 Jaguar Mk II
Item category: Cars & Trucks / Vehicles / Imports / Jaguar .....Listing ID: 2567

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Listing type: Standard Auction
Quantity Available: 1
Seller location: United States
Ends within: 3 days, 11h:46m:53s
# of bids: 0
Starting bid: 1500.00 USD
Current bid: 1500.00 USD
Minimum bid: 1500.00 USD
Reserve price: No
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Quake City Media ( 0 )

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    Minimum bid: 1500.00 USD

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    $ 2,500.00 or best offer

    All original, right hand drive, 6 cyl 4 speed, no rust body, complete car, missing front and rear bumper, needs reupholestering aand paint.Contact: Owner Edward 323.641.2620

    Payment Methods:

    Ships From United States (90019)

    Shipping Costs:
    Domestic Flat Rate: 0.00 USD
    International Flat Rate: 0.00 USD

    Shipping Conditions:
    PICK UP ONLY , Will NOT ship internationally

    Shipping Terms:

    Los Angeles

    Listing started: Sept. 04, 2024 - 12:11
    Listing ends: Sept. 11, 2024 - 12:11
    Listing ID:2567

    Item category: Cars & Trucks / Vehicles / Imports / Jaguar

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    Minimum bid:
    1500.00 USD

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